Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Evaluation One- In what ways does your media project use, develop and challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

1. Title - IV: independent Variable

The title of our soap is shown in the first box, it was created on Final Cut Pro, It is the font "Neon" It is also 3D and spins on its axis
We decided on the title I.V simply because of its definition, it is short for "Independent Variable", defined as a thing or object that is changed or manipulated over time. We believe that this best relates to our soap because through the duration of the soap characters continue to develop as a result of experiences and things happening around them.
Our chosen font gives the soap a sense of drama and also helps it remain "cool" with the almost bubble writing effect.
The continuing line which extends in sync with the music plays with the idea that the soap follows a continuous storyline, and also symbolises the idea the soap will be broadcast longer

2. Costume/props - Bedroom

I chose a picture representing the main focus of our trailer, the bedroom scene. It is the most referred to throughout the trailer and best symbolises our characters and soap. It shows a teenage girls bedroom, with close attention payed to the mis en scene with posters on the wall and books and pictures helping to create a realistic feel, leaving audience members the ability to relate.

3. Props- Olbas Oil

I chose the Olbas Oil picture because it was a technique we used in order to make the main character in the trailer cry. It was good fun and an interesting experience, it also really help set the mood, leaving it a lot more realistic.

4. Camera Work

I chose this picture because it shows our group at work, dealing with the sound and the lighting behind, it also shows our effective use of digital technology using the zoom technique and focusing in and out.

5. Editing- iMovie HD

Despite using Final Cut Pro on our trailer i chose to put up the picture of us using iMovie, it successfully shows us editing the focus groups to put onto the website, we experimented with fade in and out and dissolves, we also added black pages in between cuts showing the questions that where asked.

6. Storyline- Dead body
i chose this picture because it is the most powerful shot in our trailer, it pieces the storyline together and the build up to it is flashed throughout the trailer starting from the first shot shown. I believe it broadens our target audience because of the broad and confusing storyline.

7. Genre - Drama Soap

Our soaps story-lines are different as the show progresses so identifying one particular genre is difficult. However, for my picture i have highlighted the main story in the soap, the girl group ganging up together against one girl who is left to the side. With the black and white version it creates suspense and mystery playing up upon the genre of this particular storyline.

8. characters (how they are introduced) - Girl Group

The picture best represent the stereotype of a traditional girl group, close, attractive and stern. It portrays them as being hard to talk to and harder to be a part of, they look like the type to get what they want and are never let down.

9. Soundtrack- London Grid For Learning (lgfl) Audio

I uploaded a picture of the lgfl website logo, this was one of the websites where we could download tracks without breaking copyright laws, we found a suitable track and altered it in order to fit in sync with the surroundings and movements in our trailer.

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