Monday, 26 October 2009

My Individual Practice: Filming, Camera shots and Movements

Yesterday (Sunday 25th October) with the Camera i was borrowed by the Production company North One, My two brothers and I went out for a practice filming session where they ran through the basics of how to film, zoom, focus etc with me.
I decided that as i was working for a week at North One that i should film some clips and edit them on AVID with the professionals, they said they are happy to help, and so we went on to film a few shots.

(Sony DSR-PD150) -->

  • We used the sound and sun to our advantage, taking close shots of blowing leaves and shadow shots against the sun to create effect.

  • We filmed basic shots of me walking in different directions, as if i was looking for something.

  • An idea that came to mind was to do a voice over of thoughts and music.

  • Slight problem we found was with the camera mic, it was very powerful and due to the weather being windy it picked it up more then we would of liked, however it did in some cases add effect so they equal each other out.

  • I filmed some shots of road signs and i also had the idea to film me walking with the camera and turning around to look at houses, i thought this would add to the realism, helping viewers see what the character (me) could see.

  • I also liked the idea of keeping in the sound of my footsteps, i felt this really built up tension and really helped in creating an atmosphere of suspense as well.


From even the slightest bit of experience i have gained i have definitly began to feel alot more confident when faced with new technology. I love the way things have developed over time and so rapidly aswell. I am positive that any form of knowledge and understanding i gain, will be beneficial for my group too, i can teach them things that ive learnt helping them to progress as much as i can.

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