Friday, 20 November 2009

Group Filming Day One

Sunday 15th November

Today we began filming for the episode of our soap. Due to the challenge where taking with the trailers focus on one character only, we have decided to film a snippet of the first episode and put it on the website of our soap.

Before we started filming we got together and discussed which parts of the storyline we where going to focus on, we discussed different shots and how each would fit together during editing. We shot numerous different shots from many different angles so that when we are at the editing stage we would not be limited in our choices.

We set up the scene and got the actors ready. Thegla was the main character and we also had her mother character ( my mum) in one part of the scenes.We begun filming her(Andrea) having her breakfast in the kitchen when her phone vibrates and she gets a text saying 'Are you in school today?'. We then framed the shot specifically for the audience to see her mum walk in at the back and tells her to get to school. Some of the shots we experimented with where: Zoom, close-up shots, over the shoulder shots , panning shots , wide shots, reaction shots.

Due to us finishing up filming the first part of the scene on time, with no problems we decided to film the cast interview, i was one of the characters being filmed alongside Thegla(Andrea) and Natalie N, i answered some of the questions Natalie M asked about our individual characters and about the soap in itself.

When we had finished up our filming, we quickly decided on whether the darkness outside would help benefit us with the photos for our magazine and website, we all changed into our characters outfits and went outside to practice on different angles. we took ones from high and from low, experimenting with the lighting and using the sun and the environment to our advantage.

Me practicing filming...

Natalie M and Natalie N practicing with filming.

<-- light reflector

Me organising the props, making sure they don't block the cameras view of the other props we needed in shot.

Interview set

(Natalie M- interviewer)
(Me, Thegla and Natalie N- Interviewees)

Natalie Michael at work with her interviewing skills, you can also see the way we positioned lights and the camera.

Having a laugh on set, especially when we messed up the words.

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