Monday, 30 November 2009

My Individual analysis :)

Another thing i am challenging is the idea of taking a more formal approach with the television guide. Instead of creating one like "TV Easy" (Left) which are very basic and are sold inexpensively. I have decided to go for a more formal and realistic approach like "Radio Times" (Right).

Analysis of Radio Times magazine

-At the very top there is the website address, which is good for more information and details about the shows and competitions etc

-Below that there is the date and the price of the magazine- very formally set out

- Title stands out, bold

-Festive, front cover follows whats happening in the world (Christmas-snow)

-one main picture, covers most of the front cover, eye catching.

-Catchy Title (Who's The Doctor?) leaves audience questioning, "only in RT" persuading people to buy it to read who the doctor is.

- "exclusive previews", "Plus", "open the cover to find out who their up against.." this helps draw in more potential readers.

-Its main emphasis is on Doctor Who, it has slight advertisement of other programmes on the side but they are not very eye catching in comparison to Doctor Who.


Analysing different front covers will help us to decide what we think will be the most beneficial. i like this fact that its festive, relating to contemporary seasons, i like the idea there is exclusive previews and interviews to draw in readers attentions. we can take alot from this, and help make our radio magazine cover just as succesful.

Sunday, 29 November 2009

Interview Speech And Questions

During our first filming day, we filmed an interview scene where some of the cast were asked a few questions about their character.
Here are the questions that were asked:

Here today i am joined with some of the cast from the new soap 'I.V'

  1. So, 'I.V' thats an unusual name for a soap, where did the idea come from?
  2. So would you say that the lives of these characters get manipulated and changed throughout the outcoming episodes?
  3. So, Thegla you play the character of 'Andrea', tell me about her.
  4. So how would you say that 'Chloe' influences her?

A question for you all...

7. What makes your soap different to other contemporary soaps?
8.There are alot of soaps already out on tv, how are you hoping to attract the viewers fior yours?

Friday, 20 November 2009

Group Filming Day One

Sunday 15th November

Today we began filming for the episode of our soap. Due to the challenge where taking with the trailers focus on one character only, we have decided to film a snippet of the first episode and put it on the website of our soap.

Before we started filming we got together and discussed which parts of the storyline we where going to focus on, we discussed different shots and how each would fit together during editing. We shot numerous different shots from many different angles so that when we are at the editing stage we would not be limited in our choices.

We set up the scene and got the actors ready. Thegla was the main character and we also had her mother character ( my mum) in one part of the scenes.We begun filming her(Andrea) having her breakfast in the kitchen when her phone vibrates and she gets a text saying 'Are you in school today?'. We then framed the shot specifically for the audience to see her mum walk in at the back and tells her to get to school. Some of the shots we experimented with where: Zoom, close-up shots, over the shoulder shots , panning shots , wide shots, reaction shots.

Due to us finishing up filming the first part of the scene on time, with no problems we decided to film the cast interview, i was one of the characters being filmed alongside Thegla(Andrea) and Natalie N, i answered some of the questions Natalie M asked about our individual characters and about the soap in itself.

When we had finished up our filming, we quickly decided on whether the darkness outside would help benefit us with the photos for our magazine and website, we all changed into our characters outfits and went outside to practice on different angles. we took ones from high and from low, experimenting with the lighting and using the sun and the environment to our advantage.

Me practicing filming...

Natalie M and Natalie N practicing with filming.

<-- light reflector

Me organising the props, making sure they don't block the cameras view of the other props we needed in shot.

Interview set

(Natalie M- interviewer)
(Me, Thegla and Natalie N- Interviewees)

Natalie Michael at work with her interviewing skills, you can also see the way we positioned lights and the camera.

Having a laugh on set, especially when we messed up the words.

Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Just filling you in with where were up too so far...

So now we are organising our first filming day possible date Sunday 15th November, we have found extras and written out scripts for them just have to ensure we are all free on the same day now. We are also finishing up our Recce forms, shooting schedules and booking forms. i believe where definitly working on time and as a group where all participating equally. Excited for filming day one :)

Risk Assement

Location: street/sidewalk

Hazards and Procedures


Make sure all extras and crew are away from the road, keep an order under where people film and stand.

Bad Weather:

In case of bad weather occurring I will make sure my entire group will be under shelter to film so that they can somewhere it is dry, and so they do not slip and the equipment cannot get damaged.

Passers by damaging equipment:

Could accidentally break equipment, ensure we do not obstruct the whole pavement and keep all equipment not in use away from the sidewalk.

Location: Bedroom

Hazards and procedures

Tripping on wires:

Make sure all extras and crew are away from the wires and camera equipment when filming isn’t taking place, and ensure all wires are kept tidy and away from doorways etc.

Fire Starting

There will be a fire extinguisher on the side of the room, which everyone will be aware of, and be guided through before filming, we will also cover which way to get out of the house in case of a fire.

Location: Garden
Hazards and Procedures

Bad Weather:

In case of bad weather occurring I will make sure my entire group will be under shelter to film so that they can somewhere it is dry, and so they do not slip and the equipment cannot get damaged.

Tripping over:

Ensure all production team and extras are wearing safe clothing until filming, to prevent them slipping.

Location: Cafe
Hazards and Procedures

Fire Starting:

There will be a fire extinguisher on the side of the room, which everyone will be aware of, and be guided through before filming, we will also cover which way to get out of the house in case of a fire.

Tripping over:

Ensure all production team and extras are wearing safe clothing until filming, to prevent them slipping.
Disruption to public and Passers by damaging equipment:

Could accidentally break equipment, ensure we do not obstruct the doorways and passages and keep all equipment not in use packed away safely, also ensure we keep the noise down and only relevant amount of people present, preventing any accidents etc.

Location: Corner shop
Hazards and Procedures

Tripping over:

Ensure all production team and extras are wearing safe clothing until filming, to prevent them slipping. Ensure boxes and shop items are not obstructing any doorways or passages.

Disruption to public and Passers by damaging equipment:

Could accidentally break equipment, ensure we do not obstruct the doorways and passages and keep all equipment not in use packed away safely, also ensure we keep the noise down and only relevant amount of people present, preventing any accidents etc.

Location: Kitchen
Hazards and Procedures:

Fire Starting:

There will be a fire extinguisher on the side of the room, which everyone will be aware of, and be guided through before filming, we will also cover which way to get out of the house in case of a fire.

Tripping over:

Ensure all production team and extras are wearing safe clothing until filming, to prevent them slipping. Also ensure all wires and leads are kept in order and not running past doorways, if this is the case I will put up signs of warning.

By Elena Christodoulou

Monday, 2 November 2009

This is my final cut of the video, however there is no real storyline to it, i chose something simple like walking up streets, so i had something to edit during work experience and to simply learn all the techniques available on Avid. i did fade alot in and out of scenes, which i felt helped create this sad and dreary effect.
Enjoy :)

Untitled from Elena Christodoulou on Vimeo.

Minutes for fifth group meeting

General filming discussions

Friday 30th October 2009

Start time: 7:30pm

People present: Natalie Michael, Thegla Savvides and Natalie Nicolaides

* We began by deciding we wanted to make a start with our TV guide magazine front cover.
* We then decided we wanted who would take on the role as the main character – we decided on Thegla.
* Next was the discussion about how we wanted the main picture on our cover to look. We decided on the victim as the main image in the foreground and the possible murderers in the background. It was settled that Natalie Michael would be the Victim and she would be dressed in white (to symbolise innocence or a coat to symbolise closure). The suspects in the background will be wearing something red to represent the danger.
* We selected a day that we would take a photo. We decided we would take these photos in school as we are going to be using photoshop to change the background of them.
* Our next main discussion was as to who would be filling out which pre-production forms we would each be completing.
* Next on the agenda were the locations we would be filming in. These included; -the house (Natalie M’s house), the cafe, a supermarket, the streets, the place where the girl bunks, a park and a kitchen.
* We finally discussed possible people who could act as the extra people.

Finish time: 8:05pm

Reflection of Pilot Group Exercise

So far i would say our group is heading up into the mid section of research of soap operas, were still analysing and discussing how we are going to challenge, use and develop conventions.

Previous to the exercise I believe we should have had a more in depth meeting to discuss and pin point what research and analysis had been completed in order to brain storm more ideas based around our individual findings.

The pilot exercise even though was not the success we expected, still successfully aided us towards the understanding of what a real focus group will be like. With this, we realised that the group of people that we are going to interview later on will not have the amount of information and understanding of our ideas and analysis than the people we practiced with had, so therefore we have decided to generalise our question leaving them the ability to expand on there ideas giving us a wider opportunity to receive as valid information as possible.